
At ALBANESI we care about the environment and we make sure our activities are in line with that.

GMSA, C.T. Frías. Use of industrial effluent for afforestation irrigation

GMSA, C.T. Rio Cuarto. Birds in lakes

As stipulated in our Corporate Environmental Management System (Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Corporativo), ISO 14001 certified, we are committed to:

a) Carrying on our work at the same time we protect the environment and the sustainable development.
b) Helping the staff become more aware of the sensible and responsible use of natural resources.
c) Ensuring a constant performance improvement with an ambitious preventive spirit.
d) Assessing new technologies and procedures, taking into consideration the economical possibilities and aiming at optimizing the environmental performance.
e) Complying with all legal requirements concerning the activity.
f) Teaching and training the staff, focusing on the impact their activities may have on the environment and on environmental emergency situations.
g) Performing our daily operations and processes with special attention to satisfying the needs and requirements of our direct clients and the community.

The implemented corporate scheme allows us to develop a unify and coordinate work procedure among all sites, promoting a supportive, cooperative and integrated performance, favoring the joint growth based on the shared knowledge and experience.

The implemented Corporate Environmental System turned out to be effective, achieving the company's management goals in the environmental area. This is the result of a work structure characterized by a periodic review of the statement of financial position, the assessment and planning as an essential principle of management and a permanent strengthening of human resources capabilities.

Ver nuestra     Política del Sistema de Gestión Integrado

CTROCA. Oil steam recovery system

GMSA, C.T. Tucumán. Lake

GMSA, C.T. Río Cuarto. Gas Emission Measurement at P&W

Sustainable Development

In order to achieve a consistent protection of the environment and a rational use of natural resources, it is essential to think the environment based on preventive assessments of sustainability (satisfying present needs without compromising the capability of future generations to satisfy ones needs).

At ALBANESI we are committed to fulfilling these priorities; that is why we have successfully updated our Corporate Environmental Management System pursuant to the new requirements set in ISO 14001:2015, aiming to provide a framework in every operational site where there is balance between economic growth needs, social equity and environmental sustainability.